We offer initial and recurrent Rater Training courses
Since 2020, most of our initial and recurrent training courses take plane online.
On-site training is performed in Vienna,
Linz and
any other place, upon request.
Rater Trainings
To become a Language Proficiency Examiner (LPE) or Language Proficiency Linguistic Expert (LPLE) you need to undergo standardisation training.

Initial and recurrent training
Initial Training
The initial rater training is a three day training course (including 1 day of self-study)
Recurrent Training
The recurrent rater training is a two day training course
(including 1 day of self-study)
Contents of the initial and recurrent rater training courses
Legal aspects
Introduction into LP legal requirements and regulations.
Rating scale
Learn how to apply the ICAO rating scale correctly
Numerous examples and ratings to standardise your assessmentInterviewing
Learn how to conduct language testing interviews
Get familiar with the administrative proceduresOJT
On-the-job training completes the training course

OJT, initial standardisation.
At the beginning of your career as a language proficiency examiner, you need to do on-the-job training.
As part of the initial rater training, you will see how language exams are conducted, you'll receive an introduction to the testing software in use and you'll see how a target-aimed language test interview looks like.
At the end of the training course you'll perform your first language exam, under the supervision of an experienced examiner.
Not only will you conduct the test, but also assigning a rating will be an important task. You’ll do your first level rating under the supervision of an experienced examiner.

Recurrent Rater Training
Allows you to refresh your knowledge of the ICAO rating scale, the rating process, current changes in aviation legislation and much more.
Above all, the recurrent rater training serves as an ongoing standardisation training. You will meet other examiners to discuss voice samples of all kinds of language tests, especially borderline cases.